Sunday, March 21, 2010

Exciting things are happening in Haiti, in spite of all the devastation on January 12th. We asked you to pray for revival. I told you that Preval did not allow the people to observe Carnival which is a huge holiday in Haiti. Instead the whole country was called to prayer, fast and worship the Lord for three days. We knew we would see several attending church that hadn't before the disaster. The exciting thing is that they are continuing to attend services, including Bible study. They are also on time....well you know, as much as a Haitian can be!

The next exciting thing is that people are responding to the gospel. Last week we had 20 baptisms. Nine of them were from the church at Montrouis. One young man, our "son-in-law" who is married to Bioude's daughter, Tika. Marc went to PAP on Saturday to our church at LaSaline where he and brother Petit Homme, who is also director of our school, baptized 10 there in the ocean near wharf Jeremie. We praise God for the opportunity to see His work coming to fruition. We ask that you would pray for us as we continue to instuct and guide these new babes in their Christian walk. Pray that we would be living examples of the love of Christ and that we would proclaim His name boldly at every opportunity.

These pictures are of the baptisms in Port-au-Prince. The church at LaSaline. Marc greeting the new brothers and sisters in Christ. Sharing the Lord's supper. Marc, Petit Homme and Petit Frere after the baptisms. Dee

1 comment:

Tammy said...

My heart is leaping for joy! God is amazing, and I love seeing Him work through all of you...I am encouraged and uplifted! God Bless!!