Marc had the x-ray which confirmed his arm is broken again in the same place. It is in a cast that he will have to wear for a month. Praise God they didn't have to put the metal fixation back in.
Amos and Ti-Bonhomme both have fever, chills and vomitting. Djouvensca escorted them on a tap-tap to the hospital at Pierre Pyen. They hospitalized both of them and put them on IV's. They said one has malaria and the other one they aren't sure because the tests were negative. It was a busy day dispatching one group to PAP with Marc to see about his arm and the other crew in the other direction by tap-tap. I had to co-ordinate everything needed for the hospital stay not only for the two patients but for the two people staying to assist them. We sent bottled water and a thermos for ice. We sent cups, bowls, silverware and food. We sent sheets, pillows, towels and laundry soap for the girls to wash them by hand at the hospital. We sent toothpaste, toothbrush and soap. We sent a plastic tub to be used as the urinal. Well, that's what it's like in the hospitals here in Haiti. Fortunately, Djouvensca is so used to being sent to the hospital to take care of people that she was able to remind me of everything that needed to be sent. Don't forget, more money and calling cards for the phone to be in contact.
Please pray for these young men. They aren't sick very often. I know it is serious when they don't even get up out of the bed and don't eat.
School started Monday with 26 students present, which is actually an all time high for us on the first day. They most we've ever had is twelve and that was twelve of our own kids. Today there were 38. We will keep you updated.
We are proud that 7 of the 12 sixth graders from our school, took the state test and passed it. They worked very hard to accomplish this. We will miss them as they move on to another school as we are not yet able to start our secondary school but we are praying it will be in our near future. I am sending pictures of some that passed and their proud parents.
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