Monday, November 2, 2009

Rome wasn't built in a day.....

Rome wasn't built in a day....never really truly understood that until passing a few years in Haiti. We started from scratch in town and built everything we needed from the ground up. We needed dorms, we built them. We needed outhouses/restroom/bathing facilities, we built them. Many times it was a very unpleasant procedure for three reasons. One, everything had to be dug by hand which meant anywhere from one to twenty men digging at a time. Two, this meant a hefty payroll that couldn't be avoided. Three, it took so long to dig it by hand it was ridiculous. We knew for sure they were making us pay more money by taking their sweet time to do the job so that they could make more money and there was nothing we could do about it. And finally, the conditions were so nasty while they were digging because it was on top of the garbage dump and there were dirty needles and many other things that would appear. It also would leave the nastiest looking and smelling water that I thought sure we would all die from some airborne sickness from it.

Coming to Carries we had to start everything from scratch all over again. Anything we needed we had to build it and are still building it. We have accomplished a lot in six years, building a home for Bioude and her girls. Building a clinic. Building a church/school which has never been totally completed. We have several foundations dug and laid in place. The problem is that it usually takes so much time, money and man power to physically dig the foundation through very rocky ground with pick and shovel, that we have spent a months income on just paying their salaries to keep digging and then put the foundation in place with rock and concrete before the rains can have a chance to ruin all the hard labor. We have been praying a long time for a back hoe loader because there is so much need for it. It's not just digging foundations but also removing garbage at all of our properties is very important. Recently we had sewage problems at the guest house. The guys spent a good 2 weeks just digging down to the sewage pipes and the septic tank. If we had had the bobcat with the backhoe attachment at that time, we could have dug it all in a day, bought the neccessary pipes and replaced them the next day and we would have had time to cover it all back up. It would have taken a total of three days to complete. As it is, the guys dug for 2 weeks, the plumber took a couple days to get the parts, a day to repair it. The guys have started throwing the dirt back in by hand at their leisure so it has been almost a month, my sewage problem is fixed and we still have an ugly yard with mounds of dirt piled everywhere. Please consider helping us with this project. Our construction is at a standstill because we don't have that kind of money to pay these guys, months at a time for digging the foundations of all the things that we still need to build. We need a larger school as the 2oo children we have have already out grown our facilities. We need to build a cafeteria where we can feed our students at least one warm meal a day. We need a decent office for all of our administration for the mission. We need employee housing so that we can hire good people from town and they can bring their families with them so that they can concentrate on our work. We need to dig fish ponds so that we can start raising our own fish to help feed all of our own people and the school children. If we continue doing all this with manual labor and picks and shovels we will be working until Jesus returns and never make any more progress. Please. the time is now. Won't you please consider our project and how you might be able to help us obtain this equipment? We are desparately in need of its services. Many things will be accomplished with it to help further God's kindom. Having the trailer will enable us to travel even to the remote areas where we have church/school buildings which need to be constructed as soon as possible. This project is an excellent investment for our ministry. Please prayerfully consider how you can help. There are more details below on this project. Thank you in advance.

In addition to your regular giving, we wanted to alert you to a unique opportunity to purchase Bobcat and Backhoe equipment for Dorce' Ministries and Berea Christian Schools. Through some incredible contacts and generosity of supporters in the St. Louis area, a Bobcat with Backhoe attachment and the trailer needed to transport the equipment is available at significantly reduced prices.This construction equipment would mean immeasurable improvements to what Dorce' Ministries can do for the mission and surrounding villages. What takes weeks or even months and dozens of laborers to accomplish by hand could literally be done in one day with this equipment.If you feel led to contribute to this cause and/or if you have a cell groupor SS class or other contacts who might be interested, please let us know.As you might imagine, the dealers can only hold this equipment for a limited time, so the need is immediate.

I will hold all the checks and donations until we see what equipment we are able to purchase and ship to Haiti. Here are the equipment details and address information: Backhoe: $5500; Bobcat: $12,000-15,000; Trailer: $2500-$4500. We are working on transportation costs, hoping to get much of it donated.

Send donations/address checks to : Blessing Hearts International
memo: Dorce' (backhoe project)
Chris Brennemann
5923 CR 324
Palmyra, MO 62361

Thank you for your continued support of and prayers for Dorce' Ministries.

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