Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday at Carries

We were all up and around pretty early on Sunday. I, especially, couldn't wait to be at church. There is a song I heard a long time ago, "I was so incredibly happy, when someone said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord!" This song was running through my mind as we went to services on Sunday morning to worship Haitian style. No offense to all of you in the States but to tell the truth, You know nothing about worship! If most of you were present on Sunday you would have been laughing or putting your hands over your ears or making fun of it in some way. Imagine the service beginning and the people are singing acapella. My husband pulls out his new accordian and starts to play along. He hasn't played or practiced for quite some time so needless to say, there was a noisy accordian and some people trying to sing around it. Then Jhemson decided to be the drummer for the day but Bioude thought she could do it better so she took over the big green and white drum. All the while I am singing and trying to carry some kind of tune I am chuckling to myself and thinking, I know God is being worshipped here this morning because that is all we wanted to do was to bring praise and honor and glory to Him. All of a sudden as we were singing, a more experienced accordian player came up unannounced and took the accordian from Wilckly and began playing it beautifully. Now I don't mean that "get down polka music" that you are thinking of. I mean beautiful hymns. Sounds that you wouldn't even believe could come out of an accordian. I let myself be lost in worship, as tears came to my eyes as they usually do, when I finally find myself back in Haiti and realize how much I wanted to ber right here where I am. It is in that moment I realize how much I love living in Haiti and serving here with the Haitian people. It is then that I realize how God allows me to block it out of my mind, the fact that I would really rather be here, for a few months to drive around doing camps and VBS so that I can return to the place that I love so much. Those of you who support our ministry I humbly thank you for letting us be your hands and feet here in Haiti. "I worship You Lord, I worship You. The reason I live is to worship You!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Amen & Amen!! I SOOO miss worship Haitian style!!! I love their authenticity, their selflessness, their complete surrender to our King! I remember Wilckly saying, "that's the only time when they don't think about being hungry!" Oh if we could only be desperate for our Lord in that same way here in the States! (instead of complaining the sermon is too long..etc..etc..!)I love Haitian worship because they offer back to God 'themselves' and ALL of themselves! Didn't know Wilckly played the accordian ...we'll be expecting him to play for us when we see him! Warm hugs to you you!