Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Making Progress

Tuesday they took Lonia out of ICU! Praise the Lord! She has a main line which is wonderful. It is in her chest. It means if they need to give her blood they just have to hook the line with blood to the little gadget. they take that off and the IV hooks into it. They can also hook the feeding tube into it, which is what they did last night. They will beef up her nourishment until Friday since she is low in everything.

She woke up while we were there. She even played and smiled a little. She seemed much more comfortable and peaceful. What relief it must have been to get that horrible infected abscess cleaned up and out of there. We kept her company. We gave her water on little sponge sticks until she decided to rip the sponge off with her teeth. I almost panicked thinking we would have to do emergency surgery to get green sponge out of her system. So needless to say, we don't give her those anymore.

All in all it was a great day. We were thrilled she was out of ICU and doing so well. I held her until she fell asleep and then Kelsey and I went home. Pray for us as the days at the hospital are long especially for a 3 year old who is trying to be so good. Pray for strength and stamina for all of us. Pray for special blessings for Dr. Gates and his family and Joe Tebo and his family. The two men who put this all together to make things happen. Joe Tebo is a pilot with American Airlines. He is a get things done kind of guy. We praise God for all of his efforts to get us here. We are anxious to meet him and his wife. Dr. Gates and Sutter Memorial Hospital have given so much already to make things happen for Lonia. They are not backing off in spite of all the unexpected things that have come up along the way that weren't in the package. God has put us right where He wants us and we are thrilled to know that He is in charge and not us for we would surely make a total mess of His perfect plan.

We love you and thank you for all your prayers.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Praise God! I know personally of so many praying warriors lifting up Lonia in prayer! It's amazing seeing God literally doing His best work right before our eyes...MIRACLES! I can't wait for you to meet Joe & Charlotte...they are awesome! Wish Dave and I could be there with you right now! Maybe we can meet up with you in Iowa?! Thanks for blogging and keeping us up to are an angel Dee! Hugs & kisses to Kelsey & Lonia!